Thursday, July 23, 2009

Health Care ??? Our country

I was reading about the Stuart Florida case where a guy, 37-year-old Luis Jimenez, was deported from the hospital back to Central America. HE IS ILLEGAL !

Jimenez came the U.S to work as a day laborer, sending money home to his wife and small children. In 2000, a drunk driver crashed into the van he was riding in, leaving the robust soccer player a paraplegic. For more than a year he lingered in a vegetative state before he began to recuperate, eventually reaching a fourth grade level in cognitive ability. The hospital sent him to a long-term care facility for a brief stint, but eventually he was returned to the hospital for care. Armed with a letter from the Guatemalan minister of health stating the poverty-ridden country could care for him, the hospital sent him home.
The hospital spent more than $1.5 million on his care over three years.

Now, I wish somebody would tell me, someone that has lost her job in a very hard economy, lost her health insurance with that job, and still cant afford to pay for health care. How this is right OR fair to the United States citizens. I wonder how many legal citizens in Florida cant see a doctor due to health care or money they don't have!

But it is OK to have illegals come here a get FREE health care, FREE food stamps, FREE education, Free EVERYTHING!
But me being a American citizen, cant get health care, cant get any assistance, and lord knows cant get a free education for another trade.

BULLSHIT! We are all fighting over health care and whether or not it is right to have a government operated health care system.
I think the people who are complaining are not in my position.

Why is it that we cant stop the insurance companies we have right now, from fucking us over??
My husband and I payed over 600.00 a month for ME to have health care. We were only able to do that for so long before we had to cancel the policy or lose everything we had!!! I am still 10,000 dollars in debt from 5 years ago when I had an ectopic pregnancy! And getting my gall bladder taken out and having a drain tube inserted into my stomach to drain out the infection from the gall bladder surgery. I WAS NEVER DIAGNOSED WITH ANYTHING. Lazy doctors that work for the insurance companies, NOT US.

This is becoming more and more of a FUCKED UP AMERICA!
I am glad I haven't had kids, I wouldn't want them coming up in this day and age where it is FUCKED or be FUCKED. Why is it that we cant trust anybody anymore? Why is it that we have to be responsible for illegal immigrants when nobody is responsible for you and me, except you and me ?

America is becoming a really fucked up place to have to live (those of you that have gotten out of South Carolina, more power to you)!!
I am hating my country and have for a long time!!
We need and want jobs but nobody has a problem sending those jobs to other countries.
What is America turning into ? Why are we supporting other countries and letting OUR country go to SHIT ???

South Carolina Senator Jim Demint sharply responded to a Democratic National Committee ad Wednesday that criticized the South Carolina Republican for stating that defeating President Obama's health care plan "will be his Waterloo."

We send our jobs to other countries.
We let illegals come here and work taking our jobs and money that we could be making.
We get most of our food and clothes and other products from other countries.
I cant even call my cable company without talking to somebody I cant understand, from another country!!
We give free health care and education and government assistance to ILLEGALS.

Then you turn the page and see :

States Where the Unemployed Are Giving UP

  • In some U.S. states, nearly half of the job seekers who have stopped looking for work have done so because they simply don't believe they'll find anything. Indeed, the number of discouraged workers nationwide has more than doubled in the past year. This trend won't be reflected in the widely publicized unemployment rate, as discouraged workers aren't included among the unemployed. Still, in states as diverse as Mississippi, South Dakota, and New York, the span of this often invisible slice of workers signals a population losing its hope.

Losing hope, is that what America has turned into. We are killing our families,( you read about it every day where a father somewhere has killed his entire family because they have no job and no hope for the future, so they would rather be dead.
We are not looking for jobs anymore because we know there are none out there, and if there are jobs, there are few of them and many people who want that job.
Hell, we cant even parent our children!! We are best friends now, not parents. We let our children have sex and do drugs, Hell they do what they want to. And like it or not, they are our future. The future of this country is walking around middle school pregnant!!!

I am tired of writing so this it the end of this rant!!

I don't understand what America is turning into, but I don't like it!!!

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